Meet 15 CTOs and CISOs from large French Enterprises.
Dedicated to Cybersecurity and Cloud computing Companies.
26/1 - 31/1/2020
Participation is free, due to high demand only selected company would be accepted.
Organized by the largest Enterprise user associations in Europe

The IMA and CRiP Enterprise users’ associations organize the 4th edition of the Learning expedition (Learnex) in Israel from Jan 26th to Jan 31st, 2020 dedicated to Cybersecurity and Cloud computing solutions.
The Learnex is an interesting opportunity for startups to meet and present their solution to the CRiP and IMA delegation. The group will comprise 15 CTOs and CISOs from large French Enterprises.
The CRIP and IMA are the largest Enterprise user associations in Europe:
CRIP: Club of Responsible for IT Infrastructure and Production www.crip-asso.fr
+400 member companies (See the detailed list)
+10 000 members from IT Department (CIOs, CTOs, IT and Production Directors and managers)
IMA: Innovation Makers Alliance www.ima-dt.org
+90 member companies (see the detailed list)
+2000 Innovation Project Leaders (Innovation officers Director & Manager, Innovation Project Manager)